Event Details
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Register Form
Registration for World Council is open to those delegates and observers who have been pre-registered by their YWCA. The password to access the registration form will be sent individually to them. We encourage YWCAs that have not pre-registered their delegates and observers to do so as soon as possible through this link.
The World Council registration fee of USD 950 includes the conference package, all meals and related programme costs. You may pay your registration fee by bank transfer or by credit card. You will find more information in the registration form:
This provisional agenda gives an outline of the components that make up the business and thematic parts of the World Council programme. It respects the timelines required by the Constitution for the voting process, the presentation of reports and debates on Constitutional amendments and resolutions. At the same time, it strives to give ample time for learning and deep thinking on critical themes and issues that confront the global YWCA movement, for celebration, worship and for rooting the World Council in the context in which it takes place: South Africa, Africa.
Secure Payment
If you have already registered and you have not made your payment, you can do it th payment with a credit card, by following the link below.
To register to World Council as a guest please click on the button below
World YWCA bank details
Please transfer your payment to:
Account holder: World YWCA
BIC: UBSWCHZH80A Bank clearing code: 279
Bank address: UBS SA, P.O. Box 2600, CH 1211 Geneva 2
USD account
Account number 279-C0797187 1
IBAN CH18 0027 9279 C0797187 1 (USD)